Monday, November 5, 2012

Don’t Be Intimidated by the Tofu!

woman asking for tofu on the phone
Don't be afraid if the recipe calls for tofu.
Tofu (pr. toe-foo) is Chinese for “bean curd” and is nothing more than pressed soybean curds.  When prepared correctly, you can use tofu to replace any meat ingredient.

Tofu is a food that intimidates many people who are trying to cook healthy meals.  The word “Tofu” automatically turns some people off to what is one of the most universally versatile and healthy foods in the world.  As a life-long carnivore, I’m here to tell you that you should embrace tofu as a staple ingredient.  
By itself, tofu is virtually tasteless.  However; when cooked with other foods, sauces or seasonings, tofu assumes that flavor, so you don’t have to worry about whether tofu will “go” with what you are preparing.  Plus, tofu is a healthy meat replacement.  One serving of tofu (about ½ cup) contains 10 grams of protein and only 94 calories, compared to one serving of red meat that packs over 300 calories.
You can add tofu to any dish and instantly get a meat-like consistency.  There are various ways to use tofu.  The type of tofu you choose will depend on how you want to use it to cook with.  I like extra-firm tofu because it offers a texture that is most similar to meat, and you can use it to replace chicken cutlets, beef cubes, or fish filets in recipes that call for meat served over pasta or rice.

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